Swing Rope

Our most exclusive Swing Rope in Valencia and with more falling meters. Just 50 minutes away from Valencia, live the best jump from a bridge over Turia’s river canyon, and swing over its crystalline waters until you are descended into a canoraft. Paddle out of the jump, or swim, the choice is yours. Enjoy a unique combined activity that will give you incredible sensations for longer than any other jumps.


Enjoy the best Swing Rope in Valencia

This Swing Rope is unique in Valencia, as it has another facing bridge, which we will use as an anchor to offer you an additional type of jump that you will not find anywhere else. This type of anchor allows you to fall more meters than much higher bridges, because the meters that are distant from your jumping point to the bridge in front are added.

The type of experience when falling is completely different from the usual pendulum, since you do not have to propel yourself or do anything exceptional on your part, just take a step forward and let yourself fall, feeling the verticality of more than 20 meters of fall and it becomes a smooth swing or pendulum without pulling, leaving you just 6 meters from touching the water.

Esta primera experiencia de salto es la puerta grande para que la adrenalina te ponga a mil y repitas la experiencia tantas veces como desees por 10€/salto adicional antes de pasar al siguiente tipo de salto.

Once you have enjoyed the passage into the void, this type of anchorage is dismantled (15-20 minutes) and the second type of jump is assembled, which we call CLASSIC JUMP and which is located on the opposite side of the bridge, with other views and another completely different jumping experience.

And so that it’s not all the seconds of falling, screaming, swinging and it’s over… there’s still more. From both jumps you will row or swim, yes, as you read… they will lower you to a canoraft that awaits you with one of our guides inside the canyon to give you another with which you will row about 100 meters or you can choose to swim if you wish, now that does not cover and you are equipped with neoprene so as not to get cold, whatever time of year it is.

Jump into a canyon through which the Túria River passes, with crystalline waters like a mirror, in which you will see yourself reflected while you swing. Take your friends or family and, after the jump, enjoy a toast, paella or picnic thanks to the barbecues, tables, benches and fountain at the bottom, to celebrate a unique and spectacular day accompanied by your loved ones.

If you are afraid because you suffer from cervical or lumbar problems, this is your jump. It is smooth, without jerking or whipping. Just follow the instructions and we will take care that you enjoy the most exciting and safest swing you will find.

  • 2 completely different jumps (price is per participant, not per jump)
  • Waist and chest harness (integral so nothing goes wrong).
  • Neoprene overalls (depending on the season)
  • CE approved helmet.
  • Kayak and paddle (so you can paddle out of your jump)
  • Shoes that you can get wet and dry spare.
  • Swimsuit (over which you will place the neoprene)
  • Food and drink (it’s an amazing picnic area to spend the day with family and friends).

Offers and prices to do Swing Rope in Valencia

60 per person
  • 2 different jumps
  • Non-shareable jumps
  • Repetitions €10/jump
55 Per person
  • 2 different jumps
  • Non-shareable jumps
  • Repetitions €10/jump
50 Per person
  • 2 different jumps
  • Non-shareable jumps
  • Repetitions €10/jump

Video price for swing rope in Valencia

FREE Per person
Video 360º
«360° HAND»
35 Video
  • Video price per bungee jump
Video Dron
"FPV System"
45 Video
  • Subject to availability in the reservation


Download the photos and videos of your jumps

The opinions of our clients are always important to us, so you can leave us your opinion here.

other activities

In our company you will find much more than Swing Rope. We have many other exciting activities to enjoy, and we’re sure you’ll find something to suit your tastes.

Rope Jumping

Swing Rope

Frequently asked questions about Swing Rope in Valencia:

Swing Rope is one of the safest active tourism activities out there. You can do it with almost any physical condition, the only exception would be people with heart conditions, since the adrenaline rush that is experienced causes a rise in blood pressure that would not be indicated at all for people who should avoid hypertension and accelerations. rushes of the heart.

There is no type of restriction in this regard. For minors, it is necessary that their parents or guardians authorize it, although for consistency and knowledge of what is experienced, we think that the most recommended, due to physical volume and mental maturity, would be 14 years and older.

For the age limit above, as long as you are in good health, especially heart health, there is no problem, since it is an activity that does not require any kind of physical effort, only mental.

The answer is YES, but with conditions. To confirm a jump date, a minimum group of 6 participants and the availability of the will always be necessary. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to join an already confirmed date that you can find in our jump calendar. You can also open a date if you plan your jump well in advance. Talk to us and we’ll tell you how.

The way for only one to jump is as indicated in the previous question. If the date you have thought of for the jump is not confirmed nor is it possible to confirm it because it has not been opened sufficiently in advance, we offer you the ADVENTURE GIFT BONUSES. This bonus is open on date and even on adventure. You will be able to enjoy your jump when there is a group and it goes well for a year. If not, you always have the chance to enjoy together one of our other MULTI ADVENTURES.

Of course! In our bungee jumping in Valencia, you will also have the opportunity to set up a good picnic after the jump, since the entire area below has paella pans, tables, benches and a fountain to organize a good “Torrada” with friends, family, children and animals.

We regret to inform you that, for your safety, and the protocols applied, it will always be necessary to book in advance, and well in advance, by filling out the reservation form and making the corresponding payment.

The weather itself is not a reason to cancel the activity. It would have to pose a risk or danger to its development, and it is something that all the participants would be informed of in advance before you leave home to go to the jump, since our team comes hours before to carry out the assembly and they can decide, based on something “certain” and not “forecasts”, if it is safe for the entire development of the activity. You have all the cases of cancellation in our GENERAL CANCELLATION POLICY that you must accept in order to contract your jump.

The moment you are anchored, you are making use of your jump. You will have up to 3 countdowns, made by the coordinator, to enjoy your jump.

You can download the videos of your jumps in the YOUR VIDEOS section. We would love for you to tell us about your experience with us by rating it on Google or Facebook.

It is up to you to choose the company that will take care of you during this experience.
  • A company with many leaps behind it demonstrates experience.
  • The reviews, the videos of other participants that can be seen on your website will also provide us with information in this regard.
  • That they clearly explain any additional questions that arise to you prior to hiring, regarding all the safety mechanisms used in the process (harness system, ropes, every few jumps they replace the ropes), and if necessary , you can go to one of the jumps beforehand and see how they work, the state of the material, how they inform and treat the participants.
  • Be wary of “offers” and intermediaries that do not offer the service directly, because the intermediaries only seek the benefit and will not be responsible for anything that happens to you, and they do not put you in contact with the company that offers the service. final service until you have already paid.

Since all the falls are located in peripheral areas of towns, there is no public transport that takes you to them. You must have your own vehicle, rental, or a companion to take you. If it is a group of 8 or more participants, we could consider making a transfer, depending on the date.

Valuation on the jumps of Swing Rope Valencia

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Book your Swing Rope

60 per person
  • 2 different jumps
  • Non-shareable jumps
  • Repetitions €10/jump
55 Per person
  • 2 different jumps
  • Non-shareable jumps
  • Repetitions €10/jump
50 Per person
  • 2 different jumps
  • Non-shareable jumps
  • Repetitions €10/jump
FREE Per person
Video 360º
«360° HAND»
35 Video
  • Video price per bungee jump
Video Dron
"FPV System"
45 Video
  • Subject to availability in the reservation

Enjoy the most extreme, safe and exclusive bungee jumping and Rope Jump in the Valencian Community.




